I Le‘a Ka Hula and PA‘I Presents
Elsie Ryder
• Hula Kahiko - Kalihi Uka (‘uli ‘uli), Sat 3pm
Elsie Ryder, is a hula and chant practitioner who studied the Hawaiian traditional art form of dance from her teacher the late, John Ka’imikaua for 30 years. Elsie continues to carry on the hula chant, dances, and stories that come from the island of Moloka'i dating as far back as the 9th century. Hālau Hula O Kukunaokalā, the Dance Academy of the Rays of the Sun, resides on the island of O’ahu, Hawaii, where they continue to teach this unique dance form. The hālau's mission is to educate and enlighten all people to the stories, chant, and dance of ancient Hawaii. www.kahulapiko.com
Kalani Akana
• Hula kahiko - Kau Kaha‘ea, Thu 1pm
• Oli - Ino Ko‘olau, Sat 1pm
Dr. Kalani Akana started formal training in hula in 1975 with Kahaʻi Topolinski of the Maiki Aiu-Lōkālia Montgomery tradition and has ʻūniki (graduated) as a kumu hula. His first hālau was comprised of kūpuna, many of whom had not danced before. Since his ʻūniki, Kalani has provided opportunities for other kumu to ʻūniki as hoʻopaʻa and kumu hula.
Kuana Torres Kahele
• Hula ‘Auana - Ohu‘ohu O‘ahu, Thu 3pm
Kuana Torres Kahele, a Hawaiian composer, choreographer, and recording artist from Hilo, Hawaii, has over 25 years of experience in Hula and Hawaiian music. Mentored by famed Hilo kumu Johnny Lum Ho, Kahele is renowned for his original hula compositions and completed a five-year project creating albums for each Hawaiian Island, with all releases topping the Billboard World Music chart. In 2015, Kahele gained global recognition as the narrator and male lead in Disney Pixar's LAVA, with the theme song debuting at #1 on the Billboard Soundtrack chart. His 2015 DVD, Make Lei, further spread Hawaiian culture worldwide.
主にフラのオリジナル曲で有名ですが、5年をかけたハワイ各島についての作曲プロジェクト、記念すべき新曲アルバムを完成させたばかりです。シリーズの第一番目は、「MUSIC for the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS」は、彼の生れ故郷、ハワイ島ケアヴェが舞台。全6シリーズがビルボード・ワールド・ミュージックチャートのトップにランクインしています。シリーズの終わりごろには、ハワイの為の曲を100曲以上作曲、レコーディングし、ハワイアン・ミュージック史上、未曽有の記録を残したことになります。
2015年6月にはナレーター及び男性リード歌手としても世界的な名声を得ています。ディズニーピクサーのヒット映画、LAVAのテーマソングは、ビルボードサウンドトラックデビューでナンバーワンとなり、その後数か月間もナンバーワンを維持しました。2015年DVD“Make Lei”でハワイ文化を世界に広げました。
Lahela Ka‘aihue
• Hula ‘Auana - Alekoki, Thu 11am
• Hula ‘Auana - Roselani Blossom, Fri 1pm
• Hula ‘Auana - Floating Lei, Sat 11am
Lahela Kaʻaihue is a Kumu Hula on the island of Oahu in Honolulu, Hawai’i. She stared hula at the age of 5 with with Kumu Hula Maiki Aiu Lake. In 1971-72 she was the youngest graduate of Maikiʻs Papa Lehua ʻūniki class. In 1984, her hālau, Lamalani Hula Academy, won the Merrie Monarch Kane Auana Division 1st Place, 2nd Place in 1985, and took 3rd Place in 1986. Most Recently she has been a judged the prestigious Merrie Monarch Hula Festival in Hilo, Hawai’i and continues to teach hula to family and friends.
Manu Boyd
• Haku Mele - Hanohano Helumoa, Thu 3pm
• Hula Kahiko - A Ka Luna O Kilauea, Sat 1pm
Kumu Hula Manu Boyd leads Hālau o ke ‘A‘ali‘i Kū Makani, which he established in 1997. He has been a student of Kumu Hula Robert Uluwehi Cazimero since 1978 and received the rank of Kumu Hula in 1995 through ʻūniki ʻailolo rites. Boyd serves as a cultural consultant for Kamehameha Schools and previously held roles at the Royal Hawaiian Center and the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. He holds a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa and is a Kamehameha Schools graduate. Boyd is recognized as a cultural authority, award-winning composer, master chanter, and Grammy-nominated recording artist. He also serves as President of the Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu.
Michael Pili Pang
• Hula ‘Auana - Green Rose Hula, Fri 11am
• Hula ‘Auana - Moku O Keawe, Sat 3pm
Kumu Michael Pili Pang studies under the tutelage of Hula Masters’ Ma‘iki Aiu Lake and Mae Kamāmalu Klein. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Art and Secondary Education from the University of Puget Sound and a Master of Fine Arts Degree in Dance from the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa. He has presented lectures, demonstrations, and concerts at universities and colleges in Hawai'i, North America, Canada, and Asia. He is also the Executive Director of Mu‘olaulani, the non-profit corporation supporting the endeavors of Hālau Hula Ka Noʻeau.
Pohai Souza
• Hula ‘Auana - Muliwai, Fri 1pm
• Hula ‘Auana - Nani Kauai, Fri 3pm
Pōhai danced her first hula at the age of 4 under the guidance of George Holokai and his mother, Alice Holokai at their Beretania Street studio.
At eight, she began dancing for her aunt, Maʻiki Aiu at her Keʻeaumoku Street hālau until college. After raising her family, she returned to hula graduating as Kumu Hula in 1991 under Mae Kamāmalu Klein.
Hālau Hula Kamamolikolehua is a non-competitive hālau that focuses on the educational aspects of hula through dance, research and personal experience. After 13 years, she retired from teaching at Sacred Hearts Academy being the first to initiate a hula curriculum there.
Robert Cazimero
Kumu Hula: Hālau Nā Kamalei o Līlīlehua
• Hula ‘Auana - Ka Hop‘ohiki, Thu 11am
• Hula ‘Auana - Polehoonalani, Fri 11am
IʻM A REBEL. In the 1970's, Robert Uluwehi Cazimero was instrumental in the resurgence of Hawaiian music and culture. Musician, composer, kumu hula...his work in all of these areas is well-known throughout the world. A prolific composer, many of Robert's compositions have become classics and been performed by numerous musicians and hula dancers. Kumu Hula of the award winning hālau, Hālau Nā Kamalei o Līlīlehua has been a leader in showcasing menʻs hula. The many talents of Robert Cazimero have established him as a legend in Hawaiian music and hula.
IʻM A REBELで1970年代、クムフラ、ロバート・ウルヴェヒ・カジメロは、ハワイアンの音楽と文化の復活に力を注ぎ続けました。ミュージシャン、作曲者、クムフラ、全ての分野において世界的に名声を挙げ、彼の作品は、多くのミュージシャンやフラダンサーに今も愛され続けています。多数の受賞歴もあり、男性フラダンサーのリード的存在でもある「ハラウ・ナ・カマレイ・オ・リリレフア」のクムフラでもあります。多種多様の才能を持つ彼は、ハワイアンミュージックやフラのレジェンドとして確固なる地位を確立しています。
Sky Kanoelani Gora
Kumu Hula: Hālau Kilipohe Na Lei Lehua
• Hula ‘Auana - E Waianae, Sat 1pm
I have been dancing hula for 45 years, My Kumu was Leina'ala Kalama Heine. I danced Polynesian dancing with Tavana's Polynesian Spectacular for 8yrs then went to dance with the Brothers Cazimero show. I still dance with Robert at Chais and other various venues. I uniki'd in 2009 as Kumu from Na Pualei o Likolehua. I share a Halau -Nā Kilipohe nā Lei Lehua with sister Kumu Liko Cooke.
Vicky Takamine
Kumu Hula: Pua Ali'i 'Ilima
•Hula ‘Auana - Mokuoeo, Thu 1pm
• Keiki Hula, Sat 11am
Vicky Holt Takamine is a renowned kumu hula (master teacher of Hawaiian dance). Vicky ʻūniki (graduated through the rituals of hula) as a kumu hula from hula master Maiki Aiu Lake in 1975 and established her own hālau, Pua Ali’i ‘Ilima, (school of Hawaiian dance) in 1977. She earned her BA & MA in dance ethnology from the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa. In addition to teaching at her own school, Vicky taught at the University of Hawaiʻi at Manoa and Leeward Community College for more than 35 years. In 2001, Vicky established a non-profit organization, PA’I Foundation, to serve the needs of her Hawaiian community and those who make Hawai’i their home. She has received numerous awards including the 2016 Doris Duke US Artist Fellow.
クムフラ、ヴィッキー・ホルト・タカミネは、マイキ・アイウ・レイクの元、1975年ウニキにてクムフラとして卒業し、1977年に自身のハラウ「プア・アリイ・イリマ」を設立。ハワイ大学よりBA(人文・社会科学学位)および MA(人文・社会科学系、ダンス民族修士)を取得し、ハワイ大学マノア校音楽学部およびリーウッド・コミュニティー・カレッジにて30年以上、教鞭をとっていました。2001年には、ハワイアンコミュニティーに貢献するため非営利組織、パイファンデーション(パイ財団)を設立。2016年Doris Duke US Artist Fellow他、多くの受賞歴があります。